
5 Reasons to Choose to Study at IAIN Ternate

The name of the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Ternate is certainly very familiar to residents of North Maluku. This is because the campus in Dufa-Dufa Village, North Ternate subdistrict, is the first State Islamic Religious College (PTKIN) in North Maluku province.
IAIN Ternate, since its status as a State Islamic High School (STAIN) until now, has not only been a destination for the children of North Maluku, but also for young people from the provinces of Maluku, North Sulawesi, Gorontalo, and even Papua.
Their choice of IAIN Ternate was of course based on various reasons. So, here are 5 reasons to make IAIN Ternate your study destination:
Even though up to now, a number of Religious Universities have begun to be established in North Maluku, it is difficult to match the achievements of IAIN Ternate. Because, as the oldest religious campus in North Maluku, of course IAIN Ternate has produced tens of thousands of alumni spread across North Maluku, as well as in the province closest to Moloku Kie Raha.
For this reason, this campus, which is quite well known as the green campus, is always an option for students to gain knowledge every year.

IAIN Ternate has its own advantages compared to other Religious Universities in North Maluku, because of the availability of study programs. A total of 19 study programs at IAIN Ternate.
For example, the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTIK) has 8 study programs:
1. Islamic Religious Education Study Program (PAI)
2. Arabic Language Education Study Program (PBA)
3. Islamic Education Management Study Program (MPI)
4. Tadri Mathematics Study Program
5. Tadris Biology Study Program
6. Early Childhood Islamic Education Study Program (PIAUD)
7. Islamic Education Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BKPI)
8. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education Study Program (PGMI)

The Sharia Faculty has 4 study programs:

1. Muamalah Study Program (Sharia Economic Law)
2. Ahwal Al Syakhsiyyah (Islamic Family Law) Study Program
3. Islamic Crime Study Program (Jinayah)
4. Constitutional Law Study Program (Siyasah Syar'yyah)

The Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business (FEBI) has 4 study programs:
1. Sharia Banking Study Program (PBS)
2. Sharia Accounting Study Program (AKS)
3. Sharia Economics Study Program (EKS)
4. Sharia Financial Management Study Program (MKS)

The Ushuluddin Adab & Da'wah Faculty has 3 study programs:
1. Al Qur'an and Tafsir Science Study Program (IAT)
2. Islamic Civilization History Study Program (SPI)
3. Islamic Broadcasting Communication Study Program (KPI).
Until now, IAIN Ternate has become one of the universities in North Maluku which has very representative lecture facilities. Apart from that, this campus is well known as one of the cleanest campuses. Because, everything from the cleanliness of the campus grounds to the study rooms is always monitored by cleaning staff.
Environmental cleanliness is always maintained, thus providing comfort for students while studying. One more thing, namely that the study rooms are connected to the internet network, which makes things very easy for students, so this campus is always the choice every year for prospective new students.
Every year IAIN Ternate is always the choice for prospective new students, because this campus has the most complete practice area. Because, of the total of 19 existing study programs, all of them can carry out practice in the Laboratory.
Due to the availability of practice space, students always hone their skills at any time after receiving theory in class. Such as practicing teaching for students at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTIK), as well as practicing in the language laboratory.
Meanwhile, for students of the Sharia Faculty (FASYA), there is a Law laboratory which is used by students and lecturers, to carry out training and simulations (moot court), regarding trials in court and so on. And they also carry out practices outside campus, such as in astronomy courses.
Meanwhile, for students at the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business (FEBI), the existence of the Bank Mini Laboratory on campus makes it easier for students to hone their potential before entering the world of work.
Apart from the availability of practice places at the three faculties, there is also a very representative practice place at the Ushuluddin Adab and Da'wah Faculty, especially for Islamic Broadcasting Communication students. Because this study program has job prospects in the fields of Broadcasting, Journalism, Public Speaking, Radio and TV Broadcast Producer. So apart from getting theory in class, practicing is a must.
The availability of student dormitories is considered to make things very easy for students. Because, every year students are declared to have passed the Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) scholarship. So everyone will be boarded on campus, those who live in the dormitory are called Ma'had children, they will be educated optimally for a year in the religious field, so that in terms of the quality of the children