Kaleidoscope of IAIN Ternate 2024: Get a Budget Ceiling of 101 Billion, Go International to Translate the Quran into Ternate Language
TERNATE – In 2024, the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Ternate, North Maluku, received a budget ceiling of IDR 101,775,984,000. This amount is to finance employee expenses, goods expenses, capital expenditures, and social assistance (bansos), as well as a budget for development sourced from State Sharia Securities (SBSN).
The Chancellor of IAIN Ternate, Prof. Dr. Radjiman Ismail, M.Pd when handing over the budget ceiling to each faculty and implementing unit at IAIN Ternate said that in 2023 the budget absorption at IAIN Ternate showed a good graph, reaching 94 percent.
"Thank you and the highest appreciation to all of you, for your cooperation throughout 2023, in terms of implementing activities that have implications for the absorption of the 2023 budget," said Radjiman in meeting room II of the IAIN Ternate rectorate building, Thursday (18/1/2024).
After ensuring that each faculty and implementing unit has a 2024 budget ceiling, the former Dean of FTIK IAIN Ternate immediately stepped on the gas by arranging the composition of officials at the faculty and implementing unit levels. Right on Friday (19/1/2024) afternoon, at least 15 new officials were inaugurated, to maximize academic work at IAIN Ternate. The officials who were inaugurated included, Dr. Abd Haris Abbas, M.H.I as Secretary of LP2M (Head of the Center for Research, Publishing, and Scientific Publication of LP2M, Cici Aryansi Quilim, M.M (Head of the Center for Community Service), Zainab Canu, S.Pd.I., M.Si (Head of the Center for Gender and Child Studies), Asep Hedi Turmudi, S.Ag., M.A (Head of the Center for Halal Product Certification), Dr. Mustamin Gilling, M.Fil.I (Head of the Center for Applied Islamic Society of the Islands and Religious Moderation).
Asriyani M. Arifin, S.Kep., M.Psi (Secretary of the Quality Assurance Institute), Dr. Asri Ode Samura, S.Pd., M.Sc (Head of the Center for Audit and Quality Control), Linta Muna (Head of the Center for Career Development Services and Tracer Study), Fitriyah Karmila, M.Pd (Head of the Laboratory of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training), Dr. Rahmatullah, M.H (Coordinator of the Constitutional Law Study Program, Faculty of Sharia). Fauzan Hanafi, S.Sy., M.H (Coordinator of Islamic Criminal Law Study Program, Faculty of Sharia), Dr Basaria Nainggolan, M.Ag (Head of Laboratory, Faculty of Sharia), Dr Niila Khoiru Amaliya, S.Th.I., M.S.I (Coordinator of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Study Program, Faculty of Ushuluddin Adab and Dakwah), Hasbullah Hajar, S.E., M.Si (Coordinator of Sharia Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business). After inaugurating a number of officials, the rector of IAIN Ternate was also inaugurated as Gam Madodoto or professor of the Ternate Sultanate. The inauguration was carried out by the Sultan of Ternate Hidayat Mudaffar Sjah in the Ternate Sultanate palace, Tuesday (1/30/2024)
"We inaugurate Mr. Prof. Radjiman Ismail as Gam Madodoto or Professor of the Ternate Sultanate, which was previously held by the late Abd Rahman Ismail Marasabessy. Coincidentally, he is also a native son of Ternate. For that, as Gam Madodoto, we hope to be able to play a role in advancing education in Ternate, as well as North Maluku in general," said Sultan of Ternate Hidayat Mudaffar Sjah.
The scheme prepared by the rector of IAIN Ternate, Prof. Radjiman Ismail, is not only about organizing bureaucracy and academic services, but in 2024 he targets to complete the dreams of the academic community and residents of North Maluku, namely encouraging IAIN Ternate to transform into UIN.
And' efforts to UIN were taken by encouraging all faculty leaders to work optimally in presenting superior predicates in a number of study programs.
One of the study programs that first achieved the target was the oldest study program on the IAIN Ternate campus: Islamic Religious Education, which achieved superior accreditation. The accreditation was stated in the Decree of the Independent Education Accreditation Institution Number: 266 / SK / LAMDIK / Ak / S / III / 2024 dated March 4, 2024.
In addition, in early 2024, IAIN Ternate also built a new lecture building close to the Khairun Ternate University campus, precisely in Gambesi Village, South Ternate District, Ternate City, North Maluku.
The construction of this new lecture building is intended for the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTIK) of IAIN Ternate, which is planned to be occupied in 2025 after completion.
Attention to campus bureaucratic governance and academic implementation, on the other hand, the Chancellor of IAIN Ternate also emphasized to each faculty leader to motivate students to record achievements; both academic and non-academic.
For academic achievements, it was clearly seen during the implementation of the XII undergraduate and postgraduate graduation for the Gazal semester period on Saturday (27/4/2024) which took place at the IAIN Ternate Auditorium, namely 7 students recorded academic achievements and made their parents proud in front of thousands of graduation invitations.
Meanwhile, for non-academic achievements, a number of students recorded achievements when participating in the Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran (MTQ) event at the district and city levels in North Maluku.
As in the Sharia faculty, three students have succeeded in achieving achievements in the 2024 30th Quran Recitation Competition (MTQ) at the South Halmahera district level. The three students, namely Mutia Salsabila, Saldi Muhammad and Gahral Ermet, are all students in the Constitutional Law study program at the Sharia faculty.
"They have shown encouraging achievements, especially in the 2024 MTQ event in Halsel, and as the leadership elements in the Faculty, we are very proud of their achievements," said Deputy Dean I of the Sharia faculty, Abd Rauf Wajo, Saturday (9/3/2024).
In addition to the three students, three other students also brought honor to the Sharia faculty and IAIN Ternate in the same event, including Sahrul Nasir, a student of the Islamic Family Law (HKI) study program who won 3rd runner-up in the Al-Quran Recitation competition category at the 30th MTQ in South Halmahera. Meanwhile, a student from the HKI study program named Nurhaliza Adam, also won 1st place in the 5 Juz Hifdzil Qur'an competition at the 30th MTQ in 2024 in the city of Tidore Islands. And the same achievement was also carved by a student from the Islamic Criminal Law (HPI) study program named Try Galto Saputra Baba at the 11th MTQ in East Halmahera Regency, he won 1st place in the Mushaf Decorative Calligraphy competition category.
Meanwhile, at the same event, the former chairman of the Dema Institute who is also a student of the Sharia Faculty of IAIN Ternate managed to record an achievement in the 30th Qur'an recitation competition (MTQ) at the West Halmahera district level, by winning first place in the category of the Male Adult Recitation Competition.
Meanwhile, 4 students of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTIK) of IAIN Ternate also recorded proud achievements in the Qur'an recitation competition (MTQ).
For the 30th MTQ at the Ternate city level, a student named Nurjannah Hi. Djafar Muchsin from the Islamic Education Guidance and Counseling (BKPI) study program, managed to achieve an achievement in the female teenage recitation category by winning 1st place.
Meanwhile, three other students won different achievements in the 30th MTQ at the South Halmahera district level. The event was held in the Al-Khairaat Grand Mosque area of Bacan, South Halmahera on March 1-7, 2024, a student named Faisal Sindif from the Islamic Religious Education (PAI) study program won 1st place in the Calligraphy Art Branch category.
Meanwhile, Alfian Asmar and Julfikar Hasan managed to share a place in the Tilawah branch of the Young Men's Category. Both are students in the PAI study program, who are often involved in the STQ and MTQ events held in a number of districts/cities in North Maluku, and have won various awards.
Nurjannah Hi. Djafar Muchsin, the winner of 1st place in the female young men's tilawah at the 30th MTQ in Ternate City, admitted that she was proud of the achievements she made in 2024, she revealed that previously she had also won a number of trophies at the STQ and MTQ events.
"I was once the 3rd winner of the teenage girls' tilawah competition at the South Halmahera district MTQ, and the 1st runner-up in the same competition but at the South Halmahera STQ event, and thank God at the 2024 MTQ in Ternate I won 1st place," she explained, Tuesday (12/3/2024).
In addition to students from the Sharia and Tarbiyah faculties, one of the students in the Al-Quran and Tafsir Science (IAT) study program, Usuluddin Adab and Dawah Faculty (FUAD) IAIN Ternate, also brought honor to IAIN Ternate at the same event.
The student, Ainunnisya Fabanyo, is the only student with a million achievements at IAIN Ternate, because she has repeatedly won first place in STQ and MTQ events at the district and city levels in North Maluku, and even represented North Maluku at the 53rd LPP RRI Qur'an Recitation Week (PTQ) in Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi in 2023.
For the 11th Qur'an Recitation Competition (MTQ) at the East Halmahera Regency level in 2024, she won first place in the Young Women's Tilawah Competition.
"In 2022, I represented Wasile Tengah District and won second place," said the girl born in Lolobata, Wasile Tengah, East Halmahera, May 6, 2002, Monday (11/3/2024).
Not only did they record achievements at the district/city MTQ event, but also at the North Maluku provincial level MTQ (MTQ) at the 30th North Maluku provincial level in 2024 which took place at the Ternate Hajj Dormitory, five students managed to take home the trophy.
The five students are Ainunnisya Fabanyo and Rizkia Ahmad from the Al-Quran and Tafsir (IAT) study program, and Rifahmi M. Bayoni from the History of Islamic Civilization (SPI) study program, Faculty of Ushuluddin Adab and Da'wah (FUAD) and Annisa Hanif Latifa, a student from the Arabic Language Education (PBA) study program at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTIK) IAIN Ternate, and Putri Ilza Az-Zahra, a student from the Sharia Banking (PBS) study program, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business (FEBI) IAIN Ternate.
They managed to achieve different achievements at the XXX MTQ. Ainunnisya won first place in the field of Tilawah for Young Women representing East Halmahera Regency, while Rizkia Ahmad who represented the city of Tidore Islands appeared in the 10 Juz Al-Quran Memorization competition, successfully coming out as second place.
Meanwhile, Rifahmi M. Bayoni as a representative from the Sula Islands Regency in the Men's Manuscript Calligraphy competition won first place. Unlike Rifahmi, Annisa Hanif was a representative from the city of Tidore Islands in the Al-Qur'an Scientific Writing Competition (KTIQ) and won the first place trophy, and Putri Ilza Az-Zahra who appeared to represent East Halmahera Regency in the Al-Qur'an Scientific Writing Competition managed to register her name at the XXX MTQ event as second place.
The Chancellor of IAIN Ternate, Prof. Radjiman Ismail, said that the five students who recorded achievements at the North Maluku MTQ were immediately recommended to appear at the 3rd East Indonesia State Islamic Religious College (PTKIN) Sports, Research, and Art Ornament Week (Poros Intim) which took place on 5 to 9 July 2024 at the State Islamic University (UIN) Mataram.
And' in this event (Poros Intim), the only student who managed to win a gold medal was Ainunnisya Fabanyo in the tilawah competition, while also making history, because the first time she participated in the Porseni, she immediately brought home a gold medal.
In addition to the target of achieving superior accreditation in a number of study programs in each faculty, IAIN Ternate also continues to expand its cooperation. And' in 2024, the cooperation to implement the Tri Dharma Perguruan was carried out with Zaqra University Jordan.
"This is a strategic step in developing human resources at IAIN Ternate, because the target we carry in cooperation with Zaqra University, namely in addition to undergraduate students having the opportunity to go international, on the one hand educators can also collaborate in conducting research with educators at Zaqra University," explained Radjiman Tuesday (23/1/2024).
In May 2024, Three FTIK IAIN Ternate students managed to record proud achievements at the 2024 Annual International Conference on Islamic Education for Students (AICOIES). This year's AICOIES carries the theme, Islamic Education and The Challenges of The New Generation.
The event, which brings together outstanding students from the Faculty of Tarbiyah at all State Islamic Religious Colleges (PTKIN) throughout Indonesia in the field of scientific paper competitions, took place at the State Islamic University (UIN) Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, on May 1-3, 2024.
The three FTIK students who made achievements at the 2024 AICOIES event were, Abida Kisman from the Islamic Education Management (MPI) study program, semester 6, who won The Best Article 1, (best article, Ed), then Ririn Riswana Mandar from the Elementary Madrasah Teacher Education (PGMI) study program who won the title of The Best Favorite Presenter 1 in the article presentation category, and Nurul Fadila A. Yamani from the Arabic Language Education (PBA) study program, semester 4 won The Best Innovative Article 2.
At the Faculty of Sharia, students initiated a Futsal event involving all students and students in each district and city. This event, in addition to inviting friendship, also aims to promote all study programs in the Faculty of Sharia IAIN Ternate.
The Head of SEMA Faculty of Sharia IAIN Ternate Muhammad Rizki, said that this event is part of a program to develop talents and interests in soccer for the young generation in North Maluku.
Meanwhile, at the Faculty of Usuluddin Adab and Dawah Ternate, the Student Association of the Study Program (HMPS) of Al-Quran and Tafsir (IAT), held a national seminar on the interpretation of the Al-Quran.
The national seminar with the theme of the New Trend of Al-Quran Interpretation Study in Indonesia, presented 2 speakers, one of whom was Professor of Al-Quran and Interpretation Science FUAD IAIN Ternate Prof. Dr. M. Djidin, M.Ag.
Dean of FUAD IAIN Ternate, Dr. Muhammad Wardah, M.Ag said that every student organization must focus on academic activities. Because, according to him, the activities carried out by students can at least cover knowledge that is not obtained in lecture activities.
"I appreciate HMPS IAT FUAD, for initiating the implementation of this activity, hopefully activities like this, in the coming years, will be carried out more by HMPS students at FUAD," he said, Thursday (6/6/2024).
Meanwhile, the Gebyar activity, which is an annual agenda held by FTIK IAIN Ternate in 2024, recorded a new history, namely Senior High School (SMA) N 1 Ternate City as the best, after winning the overall championship for three consecutive times.
The annual event of the Faculty of Tarbiyah, which took place for 3, namely July 16-18, 2024 at the IAIN Ternate campus, SMAN 1 Ternate dominated the championship in all competition categories.
As in the Pop Solo competition, all trophies were won by students from SMAN 1 Ternate, namely 1st place was won by Dinejad Alfateh Saribulan, then Charina Katrina Panggabean won 2nd place, and Dwi Aulia Syafina came out as the third winner.
Meanwhile, in the Biology Olympiad competition category, students from SMAN 1 Ternate also won the achievement championship, Nurul Syifa became the second winner.
Meanwhile, in the Mathematics Olympiad competition, two representatives from SMAN 1 Ternate managed to record proud achievements, namely Marva Fayola won first place, while Rahmanda Ridho Fitriansyah won second place.
Likewise, in the English debate competition, the school located at Jl. KH. Hadjar Dewantara No. 199, Takoma Village, Central Ternate District also recorded an achievement, namely Team A SMAN 1 Ternate won the second place trophy.
"We would like to thank the schools that participated in the 2024 Gebyar event, hopefully in the future we will increase the number of competition categories, and for schools that have not had the opportunity to participate, we hope to participate again next year," said Sahjad when closing the Gebyar activity at the IAIN Ternate auditorium, Thursday (18/7/2024).
After being delayed, the inauguration of the professor of the rector of IAIN Ternate was finally carried out in September, precisely on Tuesday (3/9/2024) afternoon in the IAIN Ternate auditorium. The inauguration of Prof. Dr. Radjiman Ismail, M.Pd as Professor of Educational Technology Science at IAIN Ternate was carried out by the Secretary General of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali Ramdhani, S.TP, M.T.
With the inauguration of Prof. Radjiman Ismail as a professor, IAIN Ternate now has 3 professors, namely Prof. Dr. Radjiman Ismail, M.Pd, a professor at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTIK), then Prof. Dr. M. Djidin, M.Ag, a professor at the Faculty of Ushuluddin Adab and Da'wah, and Prof. Dr. H. Jubair Situmorang, M.Ag, a professor at the Faculty of Sharia.
Secretary General of the Ministry of Religion Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali Ramdhani, S.TP, M.T said that the position of professor has a great responsibility in the world of higher education, according to him, a teacher is a walking book, because every word spoken from the lips of a professor is knowledge.
"Your mistakes in making policies in life are also references, so be careful with the attitudes we take, because starting today, professors will be examples and role models for our nation," he said.
In 2024, one of the breakthroughs made by the Islamic Financial Management Study Program Student Association (HMPS) FEBI IAIN Ternate is to Strengthen Collaboration and Cooperation with Financial Institutions through the Vibraint Islamic Financial Management Event.
The first activity in 2024 involving financial institutions and micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the city of Ternate, took place at the Oranje Ternate fort for three days, namely November 1-3, 2024.
At FEBI IAIN Ternate, students in each HMPS continue to initiate and carry out creative activities to develop the talents of college and high school students.
As carried out by the Islamic Economics (EKS) Study Program Student Association (HMPS), namely the economic debate and creative video competition activities. The Head of the Islamic Economics HMPS FEBI IAIN Ternate, Zulfikar Ak Radjak said that the activity involved high school students (SMA/SMK/MA) throughout the city of Ternate.
"There are two themes, namely our creative video competition carries the theme of smart gen-z in business, while the theme for the debate competition is the role of the younger generation in facing the economic revolution," said Zulfikar, Tuesday (11/19/2024).
Meanwhile, the Islamic Banking study program FEBI IAIN Ternate, held an international webinar this time entitled Global Islamic Finance: Current Trends and Future Prospects (Global Islamic Finance: Current Trends and Future Prospects, ed.).
During the webinar, the organizers presented a professor from Al Azhar University, Cairo Prof. Dr. Mustafa Dasuki Kasbah, and a member of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) of the Republic of Indonesia representing North Maluku, Hasby Yusuf, as the main speakers, and involved PBS student Safitri Hafza Rondonuwu to present her scientific paper.
In addition to selecting the written work of PBS student Safitri Hafza Rondonuwu for presentation at an international webinar. In other activities, two PBS students: Hasriyati and Nazwa Yusri also successfully presented their work at an international forum, and published their work in the scientific journal Open Journal Systems (OJS).
At the Faculty of Sharia, IAIN Ternate, Dean Prof. Jubair Situmorang, ignited the enthusiasm of students to continue holding activities at DEMA and SEMA as well as UKM.
From the motivation conveyed, finally in early December 2024, the DEMA of the Sharia Faculty officially formed a student activity unit (UKM), namely the Constitutional Insight Academy (CIA).
The Head of DEMA Fasya, Jurka Sabrawi Adam stated that his party formed the CIA UKM as a forum to gather students at the IAIN Ternate Sharia Faculty. The CIA UKM, he said, essentially has two activities that are the main focus, namely constitutional studies and constitutional debates.
Dean of the Faculty of Sharia IAIN Ternate, Prof. Dr. H. Jubair Situmorang, M.Ag expressed his appreciation to the DEMA management for their initiative regarding the formation of UKM CIA, as a place for students of the Faculty of Sharia to learn together.
"I really appreciate them, because they carry the spirit to continue to improve their capacity or quality," he said, Tuesday (3/12/2024).
After establishing cooperation with the Center for Research and Development of Lectures, Religious Treasures, and Organizational Management (LKKMO) of the Research and Development Center for Education and Training, Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, the Chancellor of IAIN Ternate Prof. Radjiman Ismail ensured that the important point in the work was translating and publishing the Ternate language Quran.
For that, he ensured that in 2025 the people of Ternate city would have a Ternate language translation of the Quran.
He said that the translation of the Ternate language Quran would be completed at the end of December 2024, so the committee was just waiting for further direction from the Center for Research and Development of Lectures, Religious Treasures, and Organizational Management (LKKMO) of the Research and Development Center for Education and Training, Ministry of Religion.
"In early December, the translation team had completed the translation of 28 juz, so at the end of December we will ensure that the translation process has been completed," he explained. (*)
The Chancellor of IAIN Ternate, Prof. Dr. Radjiman Ismail, M.Pd when handing over the budget ceiling to each faculty and implementing unit at IAIN Ternate said that in 2023 the budget absorption at IAIN Ternate showed a good graph, reaching 94 percent.
"Thank you and the highest appreciation to all of you, for your cooperation throughout 2023, in terms of implementing activities that have implications for the absorption of the 2023 budget," said Radjiman in meeting room II of the IAIN Ternate rectorate building, Thursday (18/1/2024).
After ensuring that each faculty and implementing unit has a 2024 budget ceiling, the former Dean of FTIK IAIN Ternate immediately stepped on the gas by arranging the composition of officials at the faculty and implementing unit levels. Right on Friday (19/1/2024) afternoon, at least 15 new officials were inaugurated, to maximize academic work at IAIN Ternate. The officials who were inaugurated included, Dr. Abd Haris Abbas, M.H.I as Secretary of LP2M (Head of the Center for Research, Publishing, and Scientific Publication of LP2M, Cici Aryansi Quilim, M.M (Head of the Center for Community Service), Zainab Canu, S.Pd.I., M.Si (Head of the Center for Gender and Child Studies), Asep Hedi Turmudi, S.Ag., M.A (Head of the Center for Halal Product Certification), Dr. Mustamin Gilling, M.Fil.I (Head of the Center for Applied Islamic Society of the Islands and Religious Moderation).
Asriyani M. Arifin, S.Kep., M.Psi (Secretary of the Quality Assurance Institute), Dr. Asri Ode Samura, S.Pd., M.Sc (Head of the Center for Audit and Quality Control), Linta Muna (Head of the Center for Career Development Services and Tracer Study), Fitriyah Karmila, M.Pd (Head of the Laboratory of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training), Dr. Rahmatullah, M.H (Coordinator of the Constitutional Law Study Program, Faculty of Sharia). Fauzan Hanafi, S.Sy., M.H (Coordinator of Islamic Criminal Law Study Program, Faculty of Sharia), Dr Basaria Nainggolan, M.Ag (Head of Laboratory, Faculty of Sharia), Dr Niila Khoiru Amaliya, S.Th.I., M.S.I (Coordinator of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Study Program, Faculty of Ushuluddin Adab and Dakwah), Hasbullah Hajar, S.E., M.Si (Coordinator of Sharia Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business). After inaugurating a number of officials, the rector of IAIN Ternate was also inaugurated as Gam Madodoto or professor of the Ternate Sultanate. The inauguration was carried out by the Sultan of Ternate Hidayat Mudaffar Sjah in the Ternate Sultanate palace, Tuesday (1/30/2024)
"We inaugurate Mr. Prof. Radjiman Ismail as Gam Madodoto or Professor of the Ternate Sultanate, which was previously held by the late Abd Rahman Ismail Marasabessy. Coincidentally, he is also a native son of Ternate. For that, as Gam Madodoto, we hope to be able to play a role in advancing education in Ternate, as well as North Maluku in general," said Sultan of Ternate Hidayat Mudaffar Sjah.
The scheme prepared by the rector of IAIN Ternate, Prof. Radjiman Ismail, is not only about organizing bureaucracy and academic services, but in 2024 he targets to complete the dreams of the academic community and residents of North Maluku, namely encouraging IAIN Ternate to transform into UIN.
And' efforts to UIN were taken by encouraging all faculty leaders to work optimally in presenting superior predicates in a number of study programs.
One of the study programs that first achieved the target was the oldest study program on the IAIN Ternate campus: Islamic Religious Education, which achieved superior accreditation. The accreditation was stated in the Decree of the Independent Education Accreditation Institution Number: 266 / SK / LAMDIK / Ak / S / III / 2024 dated March 4, 2024.
In addition, in early 2024, IAIN Ternate also built a new lecture building close to the Khairun Ternate University campus, precisely in Gambesi Village, South Ternate District, Ternate City, North Maluku.
The construction of this new lecture building is intended for the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTIK) of IAIN Ternate, which is planned to be occupied in 2025 after completion.
Attention to campus bureaucratic governance and academic implementation, on the other hand, the Chancellor of IAIN Ternate also emphasized to each faculty leader to motivate students to record achievements; both academic and non-academic.
For academic achievements, it was clearly seen during the implementation of the XII undergraduate and postgraduate graduation for the Gazal semester period on Saturday (27/4/2024) which took place at the IAIN Ternate Auditorium, namely 7 students recorded academic achievements and made their parents proud in front of thousands of graduation invitations.
Meanwhile, for non-academic achievements, a number of students recorded achievements when participating in the Musabaqah Tilawatil Quran (MTQ) event at the district and city levels in North Maluku.
As in the Sharia faculty, three students have succeeded in achieving achievements in the 2024 30th Quran Recitation Competition (MTQ) at the South Halmahera district level. The three students, namely Mutia Salsabila, Saldi Muhammad and Gahral Ermet, are all students in the Constitutional Law study program at the Sharia faculty.
"They have shown encouraging achievements, especially in the 2024 MTQ event in Halsel, and as the leadership elements in the Faculty, we are very proud of their achievements," said Deputy Dean I of the Sharia faculty, Abd Rauf Wajo, Saturday (9/3/2024).
In addition to the three students, three other students also brought honor to the Sharia faculty and IAIN Ternate in the same event, including Sahrul Nasir, a student of the Islamic Family Law (HKI) study program who won 3rd runner-up in the Al-Quran Recitation competition category at the 30th MTQ in South Halmahera. Meanwhile, a student from the HKI study program named Nurhaliza Adam, also won 1st place in the 5 Juz Hifdzil Qur'an competition at the 30th MTQ in 2024 in the city of Tidore Islands. And the same achievement was also carved by a student from the Islamic Criminal Law (HPI) study program named Try Galto Saputra Baba at the 11th MTQ in East Halmahera Regency, he won 1st place in the Mushaf Decorative Calligraphy competition category.
Meanwhile, at the same event, the former chairman of the Dema Institute who is also a student of the Sharia Faculty of IAIN Ternate managed to record an achievement in the 30th Qur'an recitation competition (MTQ) at the West Halmahera district level, by winning first place in the category of the Male Adult Recitation Competition.
Meanwhile, 4 students of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTIK) of IAIN Ternate also recorded proud achievements in the Qur'an recitation competition (MTQ).
For the 30th MTQ at the Ternate city level, a student named Nurjannah Hi. Djafar Muchsin from the Islamic Education Guidance and Counseling (BKPI) study program, managed to achieve an achievement in the female teenage recitation category by winning 1st place.
Meanwhile, three other students won different achievements in the 30th MTQ at the South Halmahera district level. The event was held in the Al-Khairaat Grand Mosque area of Bacan, South Halmahera on March 1-7, 2024, a student named Faisal Sindif from the Islamic Religious Education (PAI) study program won 1st place in the Calligraphy Art Branch category.
Meanwhile, Alfian Asmar and Julfikar Hasan managed to share a place in the Tilawah branch of the Young Men's Category. Both are students in the PAI study program, who are often involved in the STQ and MTQ events held in a number of districts/cities in North Maluku, and have won various awards.
Nurjannah Hi. Djafar Muchsin, the winner of 1st place in the female young men's tilawah at the 30th MTQ in Ternate City, admitted that she was proud of the achievements she made in 2024, she revealed that previously she had also won a number of trophies at the STQ and MTQ events.
"I was once the 3rd winner of the teenage girls' tilawah competition at the South Halmahera district MTQ, and the 1st runner-up in the same competition but at the South Halmahera STQ event, and thank God at the 2024 MTQ in Ternate I won 1st place," she explained, Tuesday (12/3/2024).
In addition to students from the Sharia and Tarbiyah faculties, one of the students in the Al-Quran and Tafsir Science (IAT) study program, Usuluddin Adab and Dawah Faculty (FUAD) IAIN Ternate, also brought honor to IAIN Ternate at the same event.
The student, Ainunnisya Fabanyo, is the only student with a million achievements at IAIN Ternate, because she has repeatedly won first place in STQ and MTQ events at the district and city levels in North Maluku, and even represented North Maluku at the 53rd LPP RRI Qur'an Recitation Week (PTQ) in Kendari City, Southeast Sulawesi in 2023.
For the 11th Qur'an Recitation Competition (MTQ) at the East Halmahera Regency level in 2024, she won first place in the Young Women's Tilawah Competition.
"In 2022, I represented Wasile Tengah District and won second place," said the girl born in Lolobata, Wasile Tengah, East Halmahera, May 6, 2002, Monday (11/3/2024).
Not only did they record achievements at the district/city MTQ event, but also at the North Maluku provincial level MTQ (MTQ) at the 30th North Maluku provincial level in 2024 which took place at the Ternate Hajj Dormitory, five students managed to take home the trophy.
The five students are Ainunnisya Fabanyo and Rizkia Ahmad from the Al-Quran and Tafsir (IAT) study program, and Rifahmi M. Bayoni from the History of Islamic Civilization (SPI) study program, Faculty of Ushuluddin Adab and Da'wah (FUAD) and Annisa Hanif Latifa, a student from the Arabic Language Education (PBA) study program at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTIK) IAIN Ternate, and Putri Ilza Az-Zahra, a student from the Sharia Banking (PBS) study program, Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business (FEBI) IAIN Ternate.
They managed to achieve different achievements at the XXX MTQ. Ainunnisya won first place in the field of Tilawah for Young Women representing East Halmahera Regency, while Rizkia Ahmad who represented the city of Tidore Islands appeared in the 10 Juz Al-Quran Memorization competition, successfully coming out as second place.
Meanwhile, Rifahmi M. Bayoni as a representative from the Sula Islands Regency in the Men's Manuscript Calligraphy competition won first place. Unlike Rifahmi, Annisa Hanif was a representative from the city of Tidore Islands in the Al-Qur'an Scientific Writing Competition (KTIQ) and won the first place trophy, and Putri Ilza Az-Zahra who appeared to represent East Halmahera Regency in the Al-Qur'an Scientific Writing Competition managed to register her name at the XXX MTQ event as second place.
The Chancellor of IAIN Ternate, Prof. Radjiman Ismail, said that the five students who recorded achievements at the North Maluku MTQ were immediately recommended to appear at the 3rd East Indonesia State Islamic Religious College (PTKIN) Sports, Research, and Art Ornament Week (Poros Intim) which took place on 5 to 9 July 2024 at the State Islamic University (UIN) Mataram.
And' in this event (Poros Intim), the only student who managed to win a gold medal was Ainunnisya Fabanyo in the tilawah competition, while also making history, because the first time she participated in the Porseni, she immediately brought home a gold medal.
In addition to the target of achieving superior accreditation in a number of study programs in each faculty, IAIN Ternate also continues to expand its cooperation. And' in 2024, the cooperation to implement the Tri Dharma Perguruan was carried out with Zaqra University Jordan.
"This is a strategic step in developing human resources at IAIN Ternate, because the target we carry in cooperation with Zaqra University, namely in addition to undergraduate students having the opportunity to go international, on the one hand educators can also collaborate in conducting research with educators at Zaqra University," explained Radjiman Tuesday (23/1/2024).
In May 2024, Three FTIK IAIN Ternate students managed to record proud achievements at the 2024 Annual International Conference on Islamic Education for Students (AICOIES). This year's AICOIES carries the theme, Islamic Education and The Challenges of The New Generation.
The event, which brings together outstanding students from the Faculty of Tarbiyah at all State Islamic Religious Colleges (PTKIN) throughout Indonesia in the field of scientific paper competitions, took place at the State Islamic University (UIN) Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, on May 1-3, 2024.
The three FTIK students who made achievements at the 2024 AICOIES event were, Abida Kisman from the Islamic Education Management (MPI) study program, semester 6, who won The Best Article 1, (best article, Ed), then Ririn Riswana Mandar from the Elementary Madrasah Teacher Education (PGMI) study program who won the title of The Best Favorite Presenter 1 in the article presentation category, and Nurul Fadila A. Yamani from the Arabic Language Education (PBA) study program, semester 4 won The Best Innovative Article 2.
At the Faculty of Sharia, students initiated a Futsal event involving all students and students in each district and city. This event, in addition to inviting friendship, also aims to promote all study programs in the Faculty of Sharia IAIN Ternate.
The Head of SEMA Faculty of Sharia IAIN Ternate Muhammad Rizki, said that this event is part of a program to develop talents and interests in soccer for the young generation in North Maluku.
Meanwhile, at the Faculty of Usuluddin Adab and Dawah Ternate, the Student Association of the Study Program (HMPS) of Al-Quran and Tafsir (IAT), held a national seminar on the interpretation of the Al-Quran.
The national seminar with the theme of the New Trend of Al-Quran Interpretation Study in Indonesia, presented 2 speakers, one of whom was Professor of Al-Quran and Interpretation Science FUAD IAIN Ternate Prof. Dr. M. Djidin, M.Ag.
Dean of FUAD IAIN Ternate, Dr. Muhammad Wardah, M.Ag said that every student organization must focus on academic activities. Because, according to him, the activities carried out by students can at least cover knowledge that is not obtained in lecture activities.
"I appreciate HMPS IAT FUAD, for initiating the implementation of this activity, hopefully activities like this, in the coming years, will be carried out more by HMPS students at FUAD," he said, Thursday (6/6/2024).
Meanwhile, the Gebyar activity, which is an annual agenda held by FTIK IAIN Ternate in 2024, recorded a new history, namely Senior High School (SMA) N 1 Ternate City as the best, after winning the overall championship for three consecutive times.
The annual event of the Faculty of Tarbiyah, which took place for 3, namely July 16-18, 2024 at the IAIN Ternate campus, SMAN 1 Ternate dominated the championship in all competition categories.
As in the Pop Solo competition, all trophies were won by students from SMAN 1 Ternate, namely 1st place was won by Dinejad Alfateh Saribulan, then Charina Katrina Panggabean won 2nd place, and Dwi Aulia Syafina came out as the third winner.
Meanwhile, in the Biology Olympiad competition category, students from SMAN 1 Ternate also won the achievement championship, Nurul Syifa became the second winner.
Meanwhile, in the Mathematics Olympiad competition, two representatives from SMAN 1 Ternate managed to record proud achievements, namely Marva Fayola won first place, while Rahmanda Ridho Fitriansyah won second place.
Likewise, in the English debate competition, the school located at Jl. KH. Hadjar Dewantara No. 199, Takoma Village, Central Ternate District also recorded an achievement, namely Team A SMAN 1 Ternate won the second place trophy.
"We would like to thank the schools that participated in the 2024 Gebyar event, hopefully in the future we will increase the number of competition categories, and for schools that have not had the opportunity to participate, we hope to participate again next year," said Sahjad when closing the Gebyar activity at the IAIN Ternate auditorium, Thursday (18/7/2024).
After being delayed, the inauguration of the professor of the rector of IAIN Ternate was finally carried out in September, precisely on Tuesday (3/9/2024) afternoon in the IAIN Ternate auditorium. The inauguration of Prof. Dr. Radjiman Ismail, M.Pd as Professor of Educational Technology Science at IAIN Ternate was carried out by the Secretary General of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali Ramdhani, S.TP, M.T.
With the inauguration of Prof. Radjiman Ismail as a professor, IAIN Ternate now has 3 professors, namely Prof. Dr. Radjiman Ismail, M.Pd, a professor at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTIK), then Prof. Dr. M. Djidin, M.Ag, a professor at the Faculty of Ushuluddin Adab and Da'wah, and Prof. Dr. H. Jubair Situmorang, M.Ag, a professor at the Faculty of Sharia.
Secretary General of the Ministry of Religion Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali Ramdhani, S.TP, M.T said that the position of professor has a great responsibility in the world of higher education, according to him, a teacher is a walking book, because every word spoken from the lips of a professor is knowledge.
"Your mistakes in making policies in life are also references, so be careful with the attitudes we take, because starting today, professors will be examples and role models for our nation," he said.
In 2024, one of the breakthroughs made by the Islamic Financial Management Study Program Student Association (HMPS) FEBI IAIN Ternate is to Strengthen Collaboration and Cooperation with Financial Institutions through the Vibraint Islamic Financial Management Event.
The first activity in 2024 involving financial institutions and micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the city of Ternate, took place at the Oranje Ternate fort for three days, namely November 1-3, 2024.
At FEBI IAIN Ternate, students in each HMPS continue to initiate and carry out creative activities to develop the talents of college and high school students.
As carried out by the Islamic Economics (EKS) Study Program Student Association (HMPS), namely the economic debate and creative video competition activities. The Head of the Islamic Economics HMPS FEBI IAIN Ternate, Zulfikar Ak Radjak said that the activity involved high school students (SMA/SMK/MA) throughout the city of Ternate.
"There are two themes, namely our creative video competition carries the theme of smart gen-z in business, while the theme for the debate competition is the role of the younger generation in facing the economic revolution," said Zulfikar, Tuesday (11/19/2024).
Meanwhile, the Islamic Banking study program FEBI IAIN Ternate, held an international webinar this time entitled Global Islamic Finance: Current Trends and Future Prospects (Global Islamic Finance: Current Trends and Future Prospects, ed.).
During the webinar, the organizers presented a professor from Al Azhar University, Cairo Prof. Dr. Mustafa Dasuki Kasbah, and a member of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) of the Republic of Indonesia representing North Maluku, Hasby Yusuf, as the main speakers, and involved PBS student Safitri Hafza Rondonuwu to present her scientific paper.
In addition to selecting the written work of PBS student Safitri Hafza Rondonuwu for presentation at an international webinar. In other activities, two PBS students: Hasriyati and Nazwa Yusri also successfully presented their work at an international forum, and published their work in the scientific journal Open Journal Systems (OJS).
At the Faculty of Sharia, IAIN Ternate, Dean Prof. Jubair Situmorang, ignited the enthusiasm of students to continue holding activities at DEMA and SEMA as well as UKM.
From the motivation conveyed, finally in early December 2024, the DEMA of the Sharia Faculty officially formed a student activity unit (UKM), namely the Constitutional Insight Academy (CIA).
The Head of DEMA Fasya, Jurka Sabrawi Adam stated that his party formed the CIA UKM as a forum to gather students at the IAIN Ternate Sharia Faculty. The CIA UKM, he said, essentially has two activities that are the main focus, namely constitutional studies and constitutional debates.
Dean of the Faculty of Sharia IAIN Ternate, Prof. Dr. H. Jubair Situmorang, M.Ag expressed his appreciation to the DEMA management for their initiative regarding the formation of UKM CIA, as a place for students of the Faculty of Sharia to learn together.
"I really appreciate them, because they carry the spirit to continue to improve their capacity or quality," he said, Tuesday (3/12/2024).
After establishing cooperation with the Center for Research and Development of Lectures, Religious Treasures, and Organizational Management (LKKMO) of the Research and Development Center for Education and Training, Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, the Chancellor of IAIN Ternate Prof. Radjiman Ismail ensured that the important point in the work was translating and publishing the Ternate language Quran.
For that, he ensured that in 2025 the people of Ternate city would have a Ternate language translation of the Quran.
He said that the translation of the Ternate language Quran would be completed at the end of December 2024, so the committee was just waiting for further direction from the Center for Research and Development of Lectures, Religious Treasures, and Organizational Management (LKKMO) of the Research and Development Center for Education and Training, Ministry of Religion.
"In early December, the translation team had completed the translation of 28 juz, so at the end of December we will ensure that the translation process has been completed," he explained. (*)