
Attended by 142 participants, the first day of the first session of the 2024 SSE UM-PTKIN exam at IAIN Ternate went smoothly

TERNATE, -- The first day of the 2024 State Islamic Religious Higher Education Entrance Examination (UM-PTKIN), which took place at the IAIN Ternate Information and Data Technology Center (PTID) building, went smoothly.
The implementation of the SSE UM-PTKIN exam was directly monitored by the head of new student admissions (PMB) IAIN Ternate, Dr Adnan Mahmud, M.A, and the Head of AUAK Bureau Syami Muhammad, S.E., M.Si and the Deputy Chancellor for Administration and Finance Dr Marini Abdul Djalal, M. HI.
On this occasion, apart from closely observing the facilities used by the participants, the leaders also monitored the progress of the first session of the exam. The implementation of the 2024 UM-PTKIN SSE is still the same as in the previous year, namely using the Electronic Selection System (SSE).
The implementation of SSE UM-PTKIN was opened directly via virtual connection by the Director General of Islamic Education (Dirjen Pendis) of the Ministry of Religion, Prof Dr Abu Rokmad, M.Ag, Monday (24/6/2024).
In his speech, he said that the 2024 UM-PTKIN registration route was attended by 92,000 prospective new students. This number, he continued, was spread across 58 PTKIN and 1 PTKN.
"Later they will compete for 86,000 seats to become students at PTKIN, which consists of 1,300 study programs," he said
The professor at UIN Walisongo Semarang hopes that UM-PTKIN participants who will successfully graduate as PTKIN students will be able to develop themselves and adapt to uphold the values ​​of religious moderation and make positive contributions to society.
Apart from that, he continued, PTKIN in Indonesia has a big responsibility to produce Muslim scholars who are able to compete on the global stage, and still adhere to Islamic values.
"PTKIN continues to adapt to technological developments, including the digitalization of education, so that it can provide relevant and high-quality education, thereby contributing to the nation's progress. "Therefore, we hope that prospective students will continue to be enthusiastic and give their best efforts to achieve a better future," he said
Meanwhile, the chairman of PMB IAIN Ternate, Dr Adnan Mahmud, M.A said that the exam went smoothly as expected, he assessed that the committee worked optimally, so that the exam took place without any obstacles or complaints from participants.
"The preparations carried out by the committee were very optimal, there were no problems with the exam support facilities, in principle they (the committee, ed) worked well in providing satisfaction for the participants," he said
Adnan said, throughout the exam, the participants strictly obeyed the rules and regulations conveyed by the committee. So, he said, the exam would take place in an orderly manner. He assessed that the smooth implementation of the exam was the hope of all parties, both the local committee and the national committee.
"Indeed, this is what we all hope for from the implementation of the 2024 UM-PTKIN exam, we also see that the participants are very orderly and disciplined in taking the exam," he said
Adnan added that there were 361 participants who took the 2024 SSE UM-PTKIN exam at IAIN Ternate. He said that if participants fail to pass, they don't need to be discouraged, because there is still a chance, namely to re-register on the independent route.
He explained that this amount was divided per session based on the schedule set by the committee, where the first day consisted of three sessions with a total of 150 participants, the second day 150 participants and the third day 61 participants.
"Every day is divided into three sessions, namely each session attended by 50 participants. On the first day, based on committee data, 8 participants were unable to attend, so only 142 participants took the exam," he explained.
"Those who do not take the exam will be asked for information by the committee, so that it will become a report to the central committee," he concluded.
Just for your information, the SSE UM-PTKIN exam took place at 09.30 WIT and officially ended at exactly 17.00 WIT. For the smooth implementation of the exam, the committee was assisted by the management of KSR Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) 02 IAIN Ternate, as well as campus security. (*)