
77 FTIK IAIN Ternate Students Participate in 2023/2024 Even Semester Judiciary, Dean: 90 Percent Graduated on Time

TERNATE – Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTIK) Ternate State Islamic Institute, North Maluku, held the first stage of undergraduate graduation in the even semester of the 2023/2024 academic year.
The judicial activity which took place in the IAIN Ternate auditorium, was attended by 77 students consisting of 35 students from the Islamic Religious Education (PAI) study program, 3 students from the Islamic Education Management (MPI) study program, 11 students from the Arabic Language Education (PBA) study program.
Meanwhile, the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education Study Program (PGMI) contributed 11 students, 5 students from the Biology Department, 2 students from the Mathematics Education Study Program, and 3 students from the Islamic Early Childhood Education Study Program (PIAUD), as well as 7 students from the Islamic Education Guidance and Counseling Study Program (BKPI).
Based on the decision of the Dean of FTIK Number 015/FTIK/2024, students who successfully graduated with honors (Cum Laude) include Firman Jumbati from the PAI study program with a Cumulative Achievement Index (GPA) of 3.99 with a study period of 2.9 years, next Nuraili Mochtar from the MPI study program with a study period of 3.11 years and achieved a GPA of 3.79, Fahima Assagaf from the PBA study program achieved a GPA of 3.90 with a study duration of 4 years, Nurbaya Safar from the PGMI study program with a GPA of 3.84 and a study period of 4 years , Fahida Taif from Tadris Biology studied 3.8 years and had a GPA of 3.82.
Furthermore, a student from the PIAUD study program named Hardianti achieved a GPA of 3.84 with a study duration of 3.8 years. Meanwhile, two other students who both studied 3.8 years were Ila Ali Rauf from Tadris Mathematics who achieved a GPA of 3.66, and Hariyadi Laudin from the BKPI study program with a GPA of 3.76.
Dean of FTIK IAIN Ternate Dr Sahjad M Aksan, M.Phil said, students who take part in the first stage of the graduation will later be included in the second stage of undergraduate graduation which will take place in September or October.
He revealed that students who take the judiciary on average complete their studies on time. He continued, based on data published by the Tarbiyah academic faculty, it showed a very satisfactory graph.
"Based on data from the academic section, ninety percent of students who took the first stage of the yidisium in the 2023/2024 academic year completed their studies on time, even in under four years," he said
"There are those who have a study period of 3.7 years, and 3.8 years and there are those who have a study period of 3.11 years," he added.
Sahjad said that students who complete their studies on time are in accordance with the targets set by the Tarbiyah faculty, namely that each study program is encouraged to encourage their students to complete their studies according to the faculty's targets.
According to him, this target was carried out so that the academic achievements of students in each study program would influence the accreditation of the study program. Apart from this target, there is a big hope that is always held by the Tarbiyah faculty, namely to produce quality graduates who can compete in the job market.
"We hope that the academic achievements they achieve will make it easier for them to take part in the selection for teaching staff at every educational institution in North Maluku and in other provinces," he said.
Meanwhile, on this occasion, the Chancellor of IAIN Ternate, Prof. Dr. Radjiman Ismail, M.Pd, hoped that students who took part in the judiciary would continue to help the faculty to socialize the study programs at the Tarbiyah faculty in the community.
"We hope that you, as alumni of the IAIN Ternate Tarbiyah faculty, will continue to convey the excellence of your study programs to the community, both through digital platforms and directly to your colleagues and relatives," he hoped.
He revealed that in the last two years the ratio of applicants for a number of study programs in each faculty has increased significantly, thanks to the role of the New Student Admissions (PMB) committee and alumni in the community. For this reason, he hopes that FTIK students must contribute to the faculty by inviting young people to continue their studies at IAIN Ternate.
"Those of you who graduate on time are considered to have contributed to the study program, because your graduation level will affect the study program's accreditation. "But, apart from that, we hope that when you officially have alumni status, you will also play a role in inviting your younger siblings to study at IAIN Ternate," asked Radjiman.
Just to note, the Tarbiyah faculty each academic year contributes the most students to the graduation ceremony, because the oldest faculty at IAIN Ternate has the largest number of study programs of all the faculties at IAIN Ternate. (*)