
Five Students Record Achievements at the XXX MTQ North Maluku 2024, Chancellor of IAIN Ternate: The five are recommended to go to Mataram

TERNATE – Five students of the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Ternate, North Maluku, managed to record proud achievements at the 2024 XXX North Maluku provincial level Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur'an (MTQ) event which took place at the Ternate Haji Dormitory.
The five students are, Ainunnisya Fabanyo and Rizkia Ahmad from the Al-Qur'an and Tafsir Science (IAT) study program, and Rifahmi M. Bayoni from the History of Islamic Civilization (SPI) study program, Faculty of Ushuluddin Adab and Da'wah (FUAD) and Annisa Hanif Latifa, student Arabic Language Education (PBA) study program at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTIK) IAIN Ternate, and Putri Ilza Az-Zahra, a student of the Sharia Banking study program (PBS) at the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business (FEBI) IAIN Ternate.
They managed to achieve different achievements at the XXX MTQ. Ainunnisya won first place in the Young Women's Recitation field representing East Halmahera Regency, while Rizkia Ahmad, who represented the city of Tidore Islands, appeared in the 10 Juz Al-Qur'an Memorization competition, succeeding in coming out as second place.
Meanwhile, Rifahmi M. Bayoni as a delegate from the Sula Islands Regency in the Men's Manuscript Calligraphy competition won first place. Unlike Rifahmi, Annisa Hanif was a delegate from the city of Tidore Islands in the Al-Qur'an Scientific Writing (KTIQ) competition and won first place trophy, and Princess Ilza Az-Zahra who appeared as East Halmahera Regency in the Al-Qur'an Scientific Writing competition succeeded in registering her name at the XXX MTQ event as second place.
Responding to the achievements made by the students, the Chancellor of IAIN Ternate, Prof Dr Radjiman Ismail, M.Pd, said that the five students were outstanding students at the IAIN Ternate campus.
He said that the five students who recorded achievements at the North Maluku MTQ were immediately recommended to appear at the 3rd East Indonesia State Islamic Religious College (PTKIN) Sports, Research and Art Ornamentation Week event (Poros Intim) which took place from 5 to 9 July 2024 at the Mataram State Islamic University (UIN).
"Proud, perhaps this is the right word to represent their achievements, because apart from making the name of their family and the district and city they represent proud, of course their achievements provide added value for strengthening academics in the study program at IAIN Ternate," said Radjiman, after attending the MTQ closing event. XXXth at the Ternate Haji Dormitory, Thursday (27/6/2024) evening.
"I immediately recommended that they take part in the national event in Mataram, hopefully they will make achievements again in Mataram," he added
Radjiman revealed that apart from the five students, there were a number of students from IAIN Ternate who appeared at the XXX MTQ representing various districts and cities, but, he said, they had not succeeded in achieving achievements.
Even so, he asked the vice chancellor of IAIN Ternate for student affairs and cooperation to involve a number of students who excelled at the Poros Intim event in Mataram. Because according to him, the event which was attended by all PTKIN throughout Eastern Indonesia was one of the prestigious PTKIN inter-campus events.
"Apart from the five students, there are a number of students whose names have been recorded by the Poros Intim coordinator to appear in Mataram," he said
Separately, a lecturer at the FUAD IAIN Ternate Al-Qur'an and Tafsir Science (IAT) study program, as well as a student supervisor at the IAIN Ternate Qur'an Tilawatil Development Institute (LPTQ), Dr Fahima Abd Gani, M.A appreciated the achievements achieved by five IAIN students Ternate at the XXX MTQ in 2024.
He said that the five students often appeared at every STQ and MTQ event held in districts and cities in North Maluku. For this reason, he felt proud when his name came out as champion at the XXX MTQ in 2024.
"As the coordinator of the IAIN Ternate Qur'an Tilawatil Development Institute, I am very proud of the achievements they have made to make every district/city they represent proud at the North Maluku MTQ in 2024," he said. (*)