
Present at AICIS 2024 in Semarang, this is what the Chancellor of IAIN Ternate said

SEMARANG – Chancellor of the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Ternate, North Maluku, Prof Dr Radjiman Ismail, M.Pd attended the 23rd Annual International Conference on Islamic Studies (AICIS) in 2024 at the Wali Songo State Islamic University (UIN) Semarang, Central Java.
This activity, which took place from Thursday to Sunday (1-4 March 2024), was also attended by the vice chancellor for academic affairs Dr Adnan Mahmud, MA, the deputy chancellor for administration and finance Dr Marini Abd Djalal, M.HI, and the head of the general administration bureau, academic and student affairs (AUAK), Syami Muhamad, SE, M.Si.
The Chancellor of IAIN Ternate, Prof Radjiman Ismail, said that the AICIS event was an official forum that discussed a number of important themes, related to the role of religion in overcoming global humanitarian problems.
He said that all leaders of state Islamic religious universities (PTKIN) were obliged to take part in the implementation of AICIS 2024, because it had become a routine agenda for the ministry of religion.
He said that various strategic issues discussed in AICIS activities would later be implemented in each university to strengthen the ministry of religion's priority programs in the field of religious moderation.
"This AICIS activity has of course become a routine agenda for the Ministry of Religion, so every PTKIN leader is required to attend," said Prof Radjiman on the sidelines of the AICIS 2024 opening ceremony at the UIN Wali Songo Semarang auditorium, Thursday (1/2/2024) evening.
He assessed that the implementation of AICIS this time, apart from discussing strategic issues regarding humanity and peace, also involved religious figures from the country and abroad in discussing the climate crisis that has occurred in recent parts of the world.
Strategic issues discussed at AICIS 2024, he said, include Religion, Nationalism and Citizenship in Southeast Asia; The Impact of International Religious Issues and Tensions on Nationalism, Citizenship and Human Rights; Equality, Justice and Humanity Crisis; Global Religious and Humanitarian Tensions; Gender, Spirituality and Minority Issues; Siyasah Fiqh on War and Peace: Post-Colonial; and Policies based on Maslahah Murlah, Equality and Empowerment
"So, the religious figures who are present at the implementation of AICIS 2024, apart from addressing issues of humanity and peace, they will also respond to the world climate crisis," he concluded